Team Dinners
Team dinners have been a beloved Rocky XC tradition for many years. Our runners love hanging out and enjoying a great pasta dinner the night before each meet. The Booster Club and our team dinner coordinator makes hosting team dinners easy. Each host family will be provided all paper and plastic ware, sauces and pasta plus $110 to purchase salad, dressings, bread, fruit and dessert. Your booster fee helps to support our team dinners – thank you!
Team members will arrive between 5:15-5:30 after finishing their pre-race workout. Typically we have around 35-45 runners. Team families will have food prepared and ready. Generally, the kids will eat first, then hang or enjoy any outdoor activities you might have on hand (basketball, Spike ball, corn hole, etc.). Typically, all kids will leave by 8 p.m., especially if it’s a school night.
If it’s difficult for you to get your runner to the dinner, please have them check with an upperclassman who drives or put your request out on Heja (app info can be found on home page). Driving runners are accustomed to providing rides for those who need it!
Sign ups for hosting team dinners can be found at this link:
Our awesome team dinner coordinator will coordinate drop off of the check and other supplies we provide in a bin. The bin will include some helpful quantities to guide your dinner supply purchases and tips to facilitate serving. The team coordinator will pick up the bin within a few days.
We look forward to another great year of bonding and good eating for our runners

Food Restrictions & Allergies
We will provide both a meat and vegetarian sauce option to our hosts. If you child has additional food restrictions, we’d ask that you consider either sending their own pasta and sauce or advising them to eat what they can. We’d love to accommodate everyone, but we also want to respect the time of our hosts. Thank you for understanding!

Team Snacks
Looking for an easy way to serve our team? Consider signing up to provide a meet snack! With races at all different times of the day, it can be quite a stretch from breakfast or lunch to race time. If our runners aren’t nutritionally prepared, they won’t feel as strong racing. And snacks are great for refueling after a race on the bus ride home.
We would like to have 2 families sign up for each meet and each plan on providing a snack for about 30 athletes. Our helpful snack families bring the snacks to the bus at Rocky at the designated time, Coach loads them up and doles them out, and everyone is happy! If you’d like to contribute but can’t bring them to the bus, consider dropping them off to Coach at pick up from practice the day before.
You might be wondering what to provide for our runners. Please select items from this list:
- Protein bars
- Tangerines or clementines
- Granola bars
- Bananas
- Apricots
- Pretzels
Contact Renee Giovando to sign up. [email protected]
Nutrition for Distance Runners
Nutrition is critical for distance runners not only on race day but every day. Sports Registered Dietician Laura Heineman has provided valuable information covering: